

ProCharge owners looking for quick start guide and turotial video please visit the ProCharge Support page:

The lithium-ion batteries in all of our portable devices require careful attention to ensure that they reach their potential lifetime. To achieve this, most manufacturers advise against elevated temperatures and high states of charge for prolonged periods of time, yet many of us leave our devices on charge all night. Charging all night causes the batteries in our devices to spend a significant proportion of their lifetime at full capacity and raised temperatures, highly detrimental to their health.

Charging all night means we wake up to a fully charged device, but in a world where our environmental impact is an ever-growing concern, maximising the lifetime of our device is imperative. As manufacturers move to designs where battery replacement becomes harder, batteries become the first point of failure for many devices. ProCharge delays your device's charge, to maximise its battery's lifetime.

ProCharge was successfully funded on Kickstarter on 2nd December 2019.  A special thanks to all of the backers who donated to the campaign as well as all those who showed their support by buying a ProCharge.